Ahhhh - the smells wafting through the house this morning are making me drool. How I wish there was smellvision.
Happy Friday to all. It's a mouth-watering start to the day here in Santa Monica between the Baked Blueberry French Toast and the Apple Cinnamon Bread that just came out of the oven. Mommy and I used stale bread for the french toast. It was all my idea, clever bully that I am! We were going to use fresh peaches from our trees for the french toast, but those greedy squirrels got to them before Mommy could. Nasty little buggers. But all's well that ends wells - the blueberries are oozing delicious purple juice around the sides, and the top is dusted with sweet cinnamon sugar. As soon as it cools, I plan on diving in. Ever seen a bulldog with a purple mouth?!
Once I'm done snarfing the french toast, I shall move on to the Apple Cinnamon Bread which is a bit of an experiment. We used diced apples and apple cider in the dough, and we topped it with a slice of fresh apple. But we had to take it out of the oven a skooch early because it smelled like it was starting to burn, and rightly so. Good thing I'm not a picky eater (hehe).
It's rapidly approaching the magic hour for my daily walk. Very gray and gloomy this morning which make for good conditions for a bulldog. I can't sign off without sending congratulations to my cousin, Stephanie, who is getting married this weekend in Baltimore (I used to know a Lord Baltimore, come to think of it). I'm so happy for sweet Stephanie - I wish I could be there as her ring bearer. Can't you just see me all dolled up wallking down the aisle?! Stephanie and Jason, long life and happy marriage!
Time to dash - love and licks to all.
Lucky me! I get to taste all this. Too bad this stuff is all fattening!