Greetings, humans.
A hard Monday on something Daddy calls Wall Street. He says if things don't get better we'll be moving to some place called Harlem. I hope we can still afford dog food!
Mommy and I have been very busy in the kitchen. We made steccas topped with tomato, thyme and sea salt, drizzled with olive oil. We also made sticky buns which magically disappeared :-) Today we made a new bread - Thanksgiving Pilgrim Bread (see photo below) with wild rice, onions, rosemary, sage, salt and pepper. OMG, it smelled just like Thanksgiving when we baked it, and it was even tastier than the dish of turkey and sweet potatoes I get to snarf at Thanksgiving. This bread rocks!
We also made apricot almond bread, which might be good, but suffers by comparison with our other efforts. We haven't even sliced it yet, but I plan on putting on my cutest face and begging in another hour or two... right after I take my nap.
Tomorrow is chocolate babka day. I don't really know what that means but it sounds good! Will blog more tomorrow with a mouth full of bread!
Love and licks to all.
The Thanksgiving bread is incredible. I would to have just the bread and a nice wine for Thanksgiving Dinner. Forget the Turkey!