A Girl's Gotta Eat

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

101 Uses for Stale Challah

Greetings, humans, and belated Happy New Year!

Forgive my lack of timeliness - it must be the excitement about my birthday TOMORROW!  Yes, read it and weep - tomorrow I turn three, which Mommy says means my terrible two's are behind me.  Little does she know.

I heard a delicious rumor that Daddy plans on making me a steak tomorrow - oh, the very thought of it gets me drooling.  I suspect there will be a fair amount of singing, hugging, humping and petting - I can't wait.  Midnight can't come soon enough for this girl.

But in the meantime, I thought I'd catch you up on my Rosh Hashanah activities, which included challahs and a lovely tarte tatin (see photos below).  The challahs were beautiful, one was a three-braid and one was a five-braid with sesame seeds, and the tarte was perfectly caramelized thanks to a tip from my Aunt Lynne in Park City.  Thank you, Aunt Lynne!  But I have to confess I was really excited about the stale challah, which Daddy turned into french toast (see photo below) and Mommy used for Chocolate Pear Bread Pudding (no photo - didn't have time before Mommy snarfed it!).  I'm really loving this stale bread business  :-)

I have a Ricotta Almond Bread with Lemon Zest in the oven as I type and a very busy weekend coming up - Tomato Thyme Steccas for Andrew, four breads for my new friend Melanie's shower, and a Thanksgiving Stuffing Bread for Aunt Irene's dear friend Bob to use for break fast.  Yum.  Break fast - what does that make you think of?  Breakfast! 

I've got to dash - very busy in the kitchen but sending everyone wishes for a healthy and very happy New Year... and happy birthday to me!
love and licks,

1 comment:

  1. Bellalicious I hope you had a tasty birthday; I am certain your mommy and daddy spoiled you without end!
    I have not seen you since you were a little girl, now that you are three tell mommy you deserve more freedom, that translates into you can come visit me here and meet your cousins Snowball and Cottonball. Tell your mom I miss her greatly, and that her breads and desserts look UNBELIEVABLY DIVINE! I can smell then from Beverly Hills!! Love Aunty Barbara
